Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Love and Joy Part 2: Love Others

We've heard it a million times:

"Love your neighbor as yourself."
My folks would always use that line on me. The golden rule (aka the second greatest commandment); what does it mean?

What is the meaning behind the words? To the Christian faith, it means putting the needs of others before your own. That may even be what it means to those outside the faith. It's one thing to understand this though, than it is to put it into action. 

James 2 goes into great depth about faith without deeds. "Faith without works is dead." So how do we live out our faith and love others? One great way is to serve. In the same way that service to the Church and to others is a way of serving God, it shows a horizontal love to our immediately and not-so immediately surrounding worlds. 

Aside from service, loving others means simply putting them first. This could look like many things: you could have plans until your friend calls you needing some advice and the conversation leaves you missing out. You offer up your brand new jacket to your classmate who can't afford to replace the old raggedy one he has. Your coworker needs a 4am shift covered so that she can make it to class (yeah that one has happened to me more than once). LOVE = SACRIFICE! You give up yourself for the sake of others. 

What are some ways that you love those around you? How do you put others first? I'd love to hear your comments!

Til next time!

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Love and Joy (A 3-part series)

Part 1: Love God

Welcome to the first series of the YoPro blog!

In these 3 posts, I'll be taking you on a journey of what our lives as Christians should look like to the outside looking in based on 3 principles: Love God; Love Others; Choose Joy.

This is Christianity in a nutshell, but by no means is all that the bible tells us about being believers.

I want to take this time to talk about first one. Love God. You've heard of the golden rule right?

"Love your neighbor as yourself."

Well here's the platinum rule:

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind." Matthew 22:37-40

What does it mean to love God with all of our hearts, souls, and minds? Someone told me once to, "love God with everything that makes you who you are."

What is the true nature of you heart? What does your soul desire? What is always on or passing through your mind? Can you love God with all these things?

God is our father, our friend, our king, our redeemer, our creator, and our judge. It may seem impossible to see him through each one of these lenses at once. Our minds can't fathom it (at least mine can't), so God is who we need Him to be in every moment of our lives. Hurting? He's the comforter. Need guidance? He paves the way. Need to vent? He's the punching bag. There's nothing that God cannot do or has not done for us. He loves us so much. Return that love and be in relationship with the Lord your God.

What makes you who you are? Take the time to dedicate that to God and use it to love Him in every way every day.

Sunday, January 29, 2017


Hi there!

Welcome to the blog for the Young Professionals of the 559 social group. I'm excited to get this new stage of YoPro up and running and I hope you are too. This blog will focus on a lot of different points but the main point is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

If you are new to the group, welcome! We are a Christian, faith-based group of individuals between the ages of 21 and 40 (approximately) that meet for various social gatherings as well as worship-related events. Our goal is to spread the gospel while connecting with others in our dynamic.

I'm stoked to get the first blog topic up and running. I will be posting every Monday with the occasional guest writer on any topic we please or on any topics that come at the request of you, our readers. 

NOTE: all topics requested will be screened and approved at the discretion of YoPro leadership.

So sit back and enjoy. I look forward to writing for you.

Many blessings,

Sarah Rosler